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Our Members

Get to know Us

We're a small, intimate group of local businesses. 
We'd love your support. 

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Your local copywriter, content strategist and LinkedIn coach


Pottery classes and Gifts for beginners and more experienced potters.

Your local Reiki Healer, Psychic Medium and Energy Clearer. Runs workshops.

Pottery classes and Gifts for beginners and more experienced potters

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Your little loves will snuggle into their Flat Out Bears for years.


Discover and heal emotions that show up in the body.


Learn about Astrology and how it influences your day-to-day life.

Pottery classes and Gifts for beginners and more experienced potters


From chaos to a smooth, organised move and living space! Your next move will be a breeze.

Pottery classes and Gifts for beginners and more experienced potters

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